LEWIS & ANDERSON, PLLC, is a general civil law firm that has provided legal services in the Chapel Hill-Durham area since 1978. We are recognized for our work in the area broadly known as "family law," which deals with the legal issues surrounding the transfers of assets, income, debts, and children, arising out of a power shift in the family occasioned by either death, divorce, incapacity, or remarriage.
Over the past forty years, our first commitment has always been serving our clients' legal needs and helping them identify and achieve their goals. At the same time, we strove to honor at all times our professional obligations in the broader context of the law as an essential instrument of an ordered and progressive society. We never lost sight of our duty to work through the law to balance complex and competing interests, resolve conflict, protect and vindicate rights, provide guidance through crisis, and enable planning and peace of mind.
It would be remiss if, in closing our practice, we failed to recognize the great privilege it has been for us to be able to practice in the Courts of Orange, Chatham and Durham Counties North Carolina. We have been blessed to appear in all our cases before a bench of dedicated, highly ethical, hard-working and genuinely caring public servants; these fine judges have made an enormous difference in our lives and the lives of our clients and we salute them.
It has been a great honor to have had the opportunity to represent our clients in this wonderful community for the past forty years. We are deeply grateful for the experience.